Miracle II - Take Me Away
The Many Benefits of a Miracle II Detox bath
by Deborah Devar
Miraclesoap.com is frequently
asked how to get the best results from our soaps. We introduced you to
Deborah Devar in our December
issue. This is one health and beauty expert who lives and breathes
what she knows and trust us, she knows much! Read her fantastic protocol
for a health promoting Miracle II Detox Bath!
The comprehensive detox quide for bathing.
There are many healing modalities available today. For some,
it will be best to seek out a professional who is skilled in holistic health.
However, it is possible to learn for oneself and teach others. Besides teaching
students that are taking my courses for their certification, I also teach my
clients to make their own products from raw materials. I offer training courses
where they can learn how to apply many treatments in the privacy of their own
The goal is that
they take care of themselves and their families often.
Regardless of the means of application, all the holistic modalities
will work faster as your body cleanses itself of physical and emotional toxins.
healing treatments of any type will have short lived results if the body is
not healing on a cellular level.
Relieving aches and pains, along with emotional balancing, will be short lived
without shifting from eating dead food full of chemicals and breaking the deep
rooted emotional pattern loops.
Day spa treatments are a wonderful way to pamper oneself while supporting
the body’s cleansing and filtration systems. Whenever you enter into
an altered state of mind, emotional and physical toxic residues are released.
The key to success is to practice the hydro therapy treatments with consistency
while detoxifying. Often, clients come into the spa expecting one miracle facial
to reverse all signs of aging, or that one detox body wrap will reduce all
the unwanted inches and smooth out the bumpy, lumpy cellulite.
The majority of us are poisoning ourselves most of the time. We are all going
to die and leave this body behind, but we don’t make the choices as if
we know this is our truth. If we could make a difference in the quality of
life (energy and no pain) and delay death 10-30 years, wouldn’t we make
different choices at least 80% of the time? Most of us make the correct decisions
only 20% of the time. This formula should be the opposite. Eighty percent of
the time, we should do everything right in order for our body to heal. Once
all symptoms are gone and we are strong, full of energy and free of pain, then
we can poison ourselves twenty percent of the time and enjoy doing it. Perhaps
you are in what I would refer to as a physical crisis; you are battling some
sort of chronic illness, pain, skin disorder, or storing excess gel balls in
your tissue. If this is the case, 100% of your focus is required for a period
of three months to one year until you are out of this crisis. You can then
move to the 80/20 formula.
The following day spa treatments will instantly:
1) Induce an altered state of mind which can help you relax, reduce stress
and emotional patterns and rejuvenate on all levels.
2) Assist the body’s natural ability to heal by the elimination of
toxins through the skin and breath, while increasing circulation, dissolving
blocks and congestion in the lungs and muscles as the filtration organs and
systems of the body are stimulated and strengthened.
This detoxification medicine aids in the elimination of poisons and toxins
in the body and mind. Hydro therapies will assist the body and mind cleansing
process. This includes step-by-step instruction for bodywork techniques you
can do in order to accelerate and enhance your detox program to minimize
headaches, muscle aches and other side effects. Eat perfectly and drink plenty
of purified water during your program.
The following detox bath incorporates many modalities at one time. Although
this is my favorite procedure, I have listed all the modalities from which
I have derived this procedure. Read through these so that you may understand
the why behind the use processes such as skin brushing, essential oils and
so on.
This product combines the value of skin brushing, essential oils, heat, water,
Miracle II soap, Miracle Neutralizer, massage, prayer, meditation, visualization,
Miracle II Gel and more essential oils.
“This is truly a miracle healing bath and I have used this treatment
to rid the body and mind of toxic poisons while feeding the blood nutrients.
Fill a tub with very warm water, adding 1 oz. Miracle II soap and 1 oz. Miracle
II liquid Neutralizer. While the tub is filling, take the time to thoroughly
skin brush your entire body. Apply the essential oil detox blend consisting
of: juniper, cypress, fennel, orange and celery seed pure essential oils
to your trouble spots and slide into the tub. Massage feet, using reflexology
that applies to kidneys, liver, all the filtration systems. Begin deep breathing.
Breathe in a deep breath to the count of 10, hold 2 counts and exhale completely
contracting your abdomen, then draw another deep breath and repeat. Begin
massage at the ankles using feather strokes first, then upward finger pulls
along the entire leg and buttocks. After 10 minutes of massage, relax and
sink down into the tub. Define and visualize the desired results of your
healing. Spend this time with God in prayer and listen for your purpose.
Ask for guidance to achieve your healing and for knowledge regarding how
you can serve God once you are healed. The bath must take 20-40 minutes.
When you are finished, air dry or dry off with a towel that has been washed
in Miracle II soap only. Squirt Miracle II Gel in the palm of your hand and
add 4 drops of the detox essential oil blend. Rub together and apply to your
trouble spots. Allow this to dry and apply a massage oil or Miracle II Moisture
Lotion containing the detox oils all over your body. This is a mixture of
20 drops to 2oz. of carrier.
This provides insurance that the toxins can easily eliminate through the
skin and that the essential oils will effortlessly penetrate into the skin.
brushing is a quick and simple solution for a sluggish circulatory and lymphatic
system because it brings the blood up to the skin’s surface, thus increasing
the delivery speed of the essential oils to the cells.
* removes horny layer of dead flaky skin
* increases blood flow to the skin’s surface
* enhances the nourishment of the skin by bringing the blood to the skin’s
* eliminates bacteria that collects on the outer horny layer
* speeds up skin renewal
* supports and improves healing
* Use a natural bristle brush.
* Skin brush your skin while dry, before your shower or bath.
* Brush your skin towards your heart using elongated upward motions.
* Brush for two to three minutes.
* Start with your feet and ankles, then work your way up your body to your
calves and thighs.
* Give special attention to the lymphatic areas located at the inner thighs,
under the arms and behind the knees.
* This process stimulates lymphatic flow. Brush your entire body and be gentle
with the breasts and face.
* Follow the skin brushing with a detox bath, body wrap, or massage.
Many cultures have used overheating or hyperthermia as a healing technique for
centuries. Slightly raising the body temperature creates a natural defense which
stimulates the healing force of the immune system which rids the body of harmful
pathogens by literally burning out invading organisms. When exposed to heat,
blood vessels in the skin dilate in order to allow more blood to flow to the
surface, thus activating sweat glands and bringing the sweat, or fluid, to the
skin’s surface. When the sweat evaporates from the skin, it draws both
heat and toxins from the body. The body’s built-in cooling system is a
natural detoxification. An overheating bath is the easiest form of heat therapy
to practice in the home. Steam or hot water are most common forms of heat treatments.
Take your bath at least two hours after eating. Empty your bladder and colon
if possible. Use a thermometer to accurately measure your bath water. Totally
immerse yourself except for your ears, nose, eyes and mouth. Start with skin
temperature. After 15 minutes, raise the temperature to 100 degrees. After fifteen
minutes, raise it to 103 degrees. The heat in the body is unable to escape if
you are totally covered in water. The body’s temperature will rise to match
the water, creating a slight fever. Bath therapies are most beneficial with a
45 minute treatment. If you have any discomfort, sit up in the tub for five minutes.
Gentle massaging and deep breathing exercises during the bath stimulates circulation
and brings clean blood to the surface of the skin.
Essential oils are hydrophobic; they fear water. When using them with water,
you are actually chasing them into the fatty tissue of your skin. The essential
oils are attracted into the lipid bi-layer of each and every cell. For the purpose
of purifying your body’s systems, use hot clean bath water. Directly add
7 to 8 drops of the essential oils into the very warm bath after it is filled.
You will see the oils remain in droplets on the top of the water waiting for
your skin. Gentle massaging during the bath stimulates circulation, helping to
distribute the oils throughout the bloodstream quickly. Once in the bloodstream,
these oils carry nutrients into each and every cell while ejecting the toxins
and poisons. When adding the essential oils directly to the bath, be careful
not to have the bath water too hot. Check the symptom guide for specific oil
choices. USE SPECIAL CAUTION WITH LEMON. Essential oils that I found work best
for detox in a bath are: cypress to increase circulation, juniper to rebuild
tissue, fennel to expel toxins, orange to dissolve fatty deposits and elevate
emotions to happiness, grapefruit to increase perspiration, celery seed to draw
out toxins and myrtle to balance your metabolism. These essential oils can be
applied directly to your trouble spots after skin brushing.
Dead sea salts are loaded with minerals. The nutrients from the dead sea salts
pass through the skin’s pores which are opened by the hot water. Dead sea
salt nutrients feed the starved tissue and pull out toxins through the skin.
First add dead sea salts in the water flow. Once the bath is full, add the drops
of essential oils. Skin brush prior to slipping into the bath and apply essential
oils for best results. Soak for at least 20-40 minutes.
Just as the seaweeds purify the ocean they will do the same for your body. Sea
greens balance the body’s chemistry. The electromagnetic action of the
seaweed releases excess body fluids as it dissolves fatty wastes through the
skin. Seaweed contains 10 to 20 times the minerals of land plants such as potassium,
calcium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium and iron. Seaweeds are a great source of
vitamins, especially A, C, E and B complex. Additionally, seaweed also contains
ergosterol. This substance is then converted into vitamin D within the body.
Seaweeds are a complete protein source and contain up to 38% protein. You can
gather these fresh from the ocean or buy dried seaweeds from the health stores.
Run a very hot bath allowing the water to run over the seaweed. The leaves of
the seaweed will turn bright green and the bath water will turn brown as the
sea plants release their nutrients. Essential oils can be added when the bath
has cooled enough to slip into. The gel from the seaweed and the essential oils
will transfer onto your skin. This gel coating increases perspiration to release
toxins and replaces them with nutrients by osmosis. Rub your skin with the seaweed
during the bath for the benefits of a massage. When the gel slips off the skin
and the leaves shrivel, the bath is complete. The approximate soaking time is
40 minutes. Sea vegetables supply all the minerals needed for human health, including
the most significant.
1. Agar- This gelling agent derived from red seaweed is used mainly to thicken
juices with fruit, pudding, pie fillings, and vegetable aspics. This is the vegetarian
alternative to animal-derived, chemical-based gelatins. It has no taste or color
and is available in flake or powder form.
2. Arame- A dark-brown, spaghetti-like sea vegetable with a mild, sweet taste
is a delicious side dish sautéed alone or combined with land vegetables
such as yams and green onions. This is an excellent ingredient to use in a stir-fry
or salad. You may also choose to mix it with rice, fresh chopped veggies, or
a vinaigrette for an exotic salad. Soak arame for 5 minutes then simmer for an
additional 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Dulse- Simply rinse this vegetable and add it to desired foods. It has a mild
flavor and is a good choice for first-time sea vegetable eaters. High in protein,
iron, vitamin A, iodine and phosphorus, this vegetable is delicious with potato
and corn dishes. Dulse does not require cooking. Try a DLT (dulse, lettuce and
tomato) sandwich. This item is also great in soups.
4. Hiziki- This can be added to noodle dishes or a stir fry with tofu, carrots
and onions. The most mineral rich of all sea vegetables, hiziki is high in calcium
and protein. Season with roasted sesame oil, cider vinegar and tamari. This vegetable
has a strong taste. Combine with cooked onions, carrots, celery, sunflower seeds
and tamari for a cold salad. Rinse, soak 20 minutes and rinse again. Simmer 30
minutes to 1 hour. This will expand to over 4 times its original volume when
5. Kelp- Use this as a salt substitute or condiment. Usually kelp comes in powdered
form. High in calcium and iodine, kelp is a natural tenderizer and flavor enhancer.
This vegetable has a slightly sweet flavor. Like kombu, it can be added to beans
and stews. For a unique salad dressing, combine and blend 1 Tbsp. with avocado,
tomato, lemon juice, minced garlic and 1/4 cup broccoli.
6. Kombu- This grows abundantly in cold ocean waters from Maine to Japan. The
most frequently used seaweed, kombu is especially delicious and beneficial when
cooked with beans. For slow-cooking soups or stews, add a 4-6 inch strip. When
tender, remove, chop up and return to dish. For short-cooking dishes, soak kombu
20 minutes before adding.
7. Silky Sea Palm- Rich in calcium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium and iron, silky
sea palm can be added to simmering soups, stews, rice or bean dishes.
8. Wakame- Sweet-flavored and tender, this vegetable is commonly added to miso
soup. To make a wakame salad, bring 1 to 2 oz. soaked wakame to a boil and simmer
15 minutes. Drain, chop and let cool. Toss wakame in 1 tsp. rice or cider vinegar
and 1 tsp. shoyu. Add 1 cucumber cut in thin half slices and 4 sliced radishes.
Garnish with sliced scallions. Soak 5 minutes before using. This cooks in 5-10
minutes. Remove tough center rib with knife after soaking.
Herbs are yet another rich food source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
enzymes. Your skin will absorb these soaks directly into your blood. You can
steep 1 ½ gallons of strong tea to add to your bath or make a muslin tea
bag to place into your running bath water. The tea bag can double as a scrubber
for removing the dead skin and increasing circulation. Use any combination of
herbs, seaweed, dead sea salt and essential oils.
1. Milk Thistle - This tonic helps to detoxify the liver. There is a whole herb
extract that you can use regularly for a gentle cleansing; 10-15 drops under
the tongue daily for one to three months. The helpful constituent is silymarin;
this protects liver cells by actually preventing toxic substances from entering
cell membranes.
2. Burdock Root – This actually absorbs and binds to poisons and chemical
residues within the body and helps eliminate them through the large intestine.
This herb also helps remove wastes through the skin, kidneys and mucous membranes.
3. Goldenseal – Secretion of bile is stimulated in order to improve liver
health for natural detoxification. It also destroys toxins and is a natural antibiotic
useful for infections of all kinds.
4. Red Clover Blossom – While purifying the blood and stimulating the liver
and gallbladder to eliminate toxins from the body, red clover blossom helps with
chronic skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema when they result from body
5. Pau d’arco – This is a blood cleanser that inhibits virus replication
within the body.
6. Nettles - A powerful, high chlorophyll blood cleanser, this drives waste from
the body by stimulating the kidneys to secrete more water.
Pour one cup of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide into your bath. Soak for at
least 30 minutes. Oxygen baths are stimulating rather then relaxing. Another
option is to add ½ cup of 35% food grade H2O2, 1 cup dead sea salts, ½ cup
baking soda to the bath.
Baking soda balances an overly acidic system leaving you refreshed and invigorated
with extra soft skin. Fill the bath with enough hot water to cover when you recline.
Add 8 ounces of baking soda and swirl to dissolve. Soak for 30 minutes. When
finished, wrap up into a big towel and lay down for at least 15 minutes to aid
in overcoming any weak or dizzy spells caused by the quick release of toxins
and heat.
Body wraps work very much like the bath treatments. However, the nutrient solution
is more concentrated. In day spas, linen wraps are used to hold the concentrated
nutrient solution in place while the skin has time to absorb it. Doing this procedure
at home is messy and labor intensive, but well worth the effort. The in home
wrap costs about $6.00 each, while the day spa equivalents begin at $45.00. Some
day spas are even charging as much as $85.00 per wrap.
Items you will need:
1) electric water pot to heat your tea water
2) 8-12 white salon towels from the beauty supply store
3) a dish tub or crock pot
4) an egg crate foam mat
5) a plastic fitted sheet
6) Ingredients for a detox tea can include, but are not limited to the following:
Essential oils of cypress, juniper, fennel, orange, grapefruit, celery seed and
myrtle. Herbs of milk thistle, burdock root, red clover, dandelion leaf and alfalfa,
seaweeds, dead sea salts, 1 ounce of Miracle II soap, plus 1 oz. of Miracle II
Neutralizer. You can forgo the dead sea salts and seaweeds when adding Miracle
II products.
7) bentonite clay (cellulite treatment)
8) long pillow for under your knees
First heat up your room, lay the egg crate foam mat on a twin size bed and cover
it with the plastic fitted sheet. Slip the long pillow underneath the plastic
sheet right where your knees will be. While you are heating your water, make
your tea bag. I use two large strainers equal in size, approximately 3 inches
across. I recommend using strainers with handles. Place all of your ingredients
into one strainer, secure the other one over the top and secure them together
with twist ties or tiny rubber bands. Place your tea bag in the dish tub or crock
pot and pour 2-4 pots of boiling water over the tea bag. Allow this to steep
for 10 minutes. Use this time to give yourself a thorough skin brushing treatment.
Take out the tea bag and add the essential oil blend to the tea or apply directly
onto trouble spots. Sit in the middle of the foam pad right on top of the plastic
sheet and set the dish tub between your feet so it is easily accessible. Add
the towels and allow them to soak up the nutrient solution. Slightly wring out
the towels and apply them to your skin. When you are covered with the tea soaked
towels, lay back with a bath towel underneath your head and shoulders so the
solution will not roll up too far and make a mess. Next, grasp the sides of the
fitted sheet and pull it snugly around yourself, trapping the solution and the
heat. Go to sleep. I usually wake up out of a very deep sleep in two hours or
less. The solution requires about 20-40 minutes to soak in. The egg crate foam
mat will sink in the middle, keeping the solution intact. Soak this up with the
towels while you begin to air dry. While you are still moist, apply the Miracle
II gel with a few more drops of essential oils, or the bentonite clay to the
damaged tissue areas. The gel can simply remain on the skin. Bentonite clay,
however, must completely dry and then be removed with a moist towel. Do not take
a shower. Allow the solution to remain in your skin. Do a self massage or exercise
in order to move your circulation and lymph around. One of these treatments using
therapeutic grade essential oils and top quality ingredients will have amazing
results. Loose, sagging skin is a problem with weight loss and this treatment
will tighten and tone the skin. Eating according to your most beneficial food
chart, exercising, and using this treatment once or twice a week will also help
the damaged tissue tighten as you lose the unwanted inches.
Deborah Devar
has an incomparable knowledge and field experience within the industryin
general as well as an intimate working knowledge of all products and servicestaught
through the training center. She has done extensive research on essential
and has published a book on the subject entitled "A Path To Perfect Health",
which inspired the name of the training center. She has owned and operated large
day spas with many practitioners giving her hands on management and leadership
expertise. Her combined 27 years of business and practicalapplied experience
incorporates her investigations into bio-chemistry, quantumphysics, nutrition,
essential oils and stress management regimes that providethe strong foundation
for the unique curriculum offered only at:A Path to Perfect
Health Training Center.
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